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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

01/12/24 - One10 - UK

Good afternoon, I was wondering if I could trouble you for some advice?

I have a Barefaced One10 that I purchased in 2016 that I love. I was running an EBS Reidmar Head through it which has sadly died this week. I'm just looking into getting a replacement head and was wondering if a TC Electronic BAM200 Ultra-Compact 200 Watt Bass Head would work through it? (

I'm not much of an expert when it comes to Wattage and the Ohms of Heads and Cabs and wanted to check whether this Head would be safe to use and what sort out Output I could get from it? Thanks for your time, any advice would be much appreciated.

Best wishes



Hi Alan,

It'll be fine to use, not as powerful as the Reidmar, maybe 150W into the One10. No harm ordering it and sending it back if you don't like it!

Best regards,
