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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

Contact Us

If you don't receive a reply from us - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check your spam folder and/or your server's spam filters.
    • If not then email us anyway and join the queue of more general enquiries. Alex tries to do the initial reply quickly so you know it's got through to us but continuing discussions may have to wait for him to find a quiet moment.
    • If you'd like some help with selecting the best Barefaced cab (and matching amp) for you needs, please email us! Alex has realised that we're now selling too many cabs for him to chat to musicians on the phone about their gear but he's learnt that he can do this personal consultation really efficiently by email, so it can fit in between all his other jobs as the boss and chief engineer at Barefaced. He's found that email isn't just more efficient in terms of time, it's more effective in terms of getting the right result, because there's more time to think and work out if more questions need asking to really get inside you as a player.
    • If the reply takes a while then it's because he's particularly busy with other stuff and/or because your needs are taking a lot of thought. If you don't hear back within a week (it's usually more like a day or two, unless you message late on a Friday before a three day weekend) then please check your spam filter and if the reply isn't there, submit it again in case it's been overlooked. 
    • To speed up the process, tell us exactly what amp(s) and cab(s) you've used recently and what you like/dislike about them, particularly in terms of tone. We learn more from what doesn't work for you than what does work for you. If you absolutely love your rig, we'll probably just ask why on earth you're wanting to change it! ;-) Thanks!

    Barefaced Audio.
    United Kingdom

    01273 945959