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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

04/01/25 - Super Compact - USA

I absolutely love my SC, and have gigged it with great success. So much so that I sold off my other cabs. My SC will never be for sale.

I found a used, well cared for One10 and love that also. I have ordered a One10 this morning to pair with that, and plan to run them in parallel.

The plan: The 2x One10 stack will be paired with a Mesa D-800, playing a Ric 4003 with TI flats. The amp is set flat, with the “voicing” rolled off; I have discovered that setting most closely matches the SC using a Mesa D-800+ (also set flat). The guitar is always on vintage mode, and the Effectrode (model PC-2A) compressor is always on regardless of rigs.

I play in a Beatles cover duo, with volumes kept reasonable, and as clean as I can get for the most part.

May I have a blessing on this order, and on the rig?



Hi Steve,

Sounds like a good plan!

Best regards,
