05/02/25 - Big Baby 3 - USA
Hi Alex,
After reading your note, I bought a used Big Baby 3. As I began playing it, I first thought, “Hm, this sounds kind of weird”. As I kept playing it over the next few days and compared it to my other cabs, I began to realise that the sound from the cab just wasn’t what I was used to. Eventually, it began to sink in that the BB3 was doing all kinds of things my other premium cabs approach but don’t fully achieve. The BB3 is clearer, it goes deeper, it has more detail, and is tighter, in terms of the sound starting and stopping on a dime, than any of my other high end cabs. My old cabs have begun to sound unsatisfying in comparison. It’s really cool that the BB3 is small and light and absolutely holds its own as a solo cab, but the BB3 would be my preferred cab now, even if none of those things were true, because it simply sounds better than anything else I have ever played. The BB3 is an amazing achievement!
PS - I don’t need to add another cab to get the depth I’m used to with pairs of cabs. The BB3 does it solo.
Thanks again.