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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

09/06/24 - Super Compact T - UK

I have just picked up a Super Compact T secondhand and firstly I would like to say thank you for making such a great cab. It is just fantastic overall but the articulation in the midrange in particular is just outstanding. So much depth and detail. I was slightly sceptical about it replacing my 4x10 before I tried it but it convinced me very quickly. I am still considering buying one new from you though, as I am starting to feel that I might actually benefit from having the additional tweeter added.

Although in general the cab sounds lovely I'm maybe not getting quite as much from the top end of my dirty sounds as I'm used to. I'm going to play it out a bit and see how I feel about that. However, my main reason for getting in contact is to ask for advice about how to get the best from the cab re: amp pairing. I currently use a Darkglass microtubes 500 which has been alright for a while but I am hoping to replace with something tube-based, something that I can get a bit of proper warmth and saturation from. I always get confused by the technical stuff about power, impedance and all that stuff.

Could you suggest what sort of specs I should be looking for in an amp to get the best from this cab? For example I'm considering the orange terror 500w but worry is this underpowered for the cab? I appreciate that I am not directly a customer of yours yet so any time taken to reply is really greatly appreciated!

All the best



Hi Tom,

Glad you're liking the Super Compact! I presume you don't have a Super Compact T otherwise you could turn the tweeter up?

I'd experiment with the Darkglass to see what tones you can get from it. Going all valve gets v expensive and heavy to get a decent amount of power. The Orange just has some valves in the preamp but they're good sounding amps if you like their colour. Anything up to 600W is fine with the SC. Less power will get you less loud, that's all.

Best regards,
