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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

19/01/25 - Reality 112FR - USA

I bought the first iteration of the Reality FRFR cabs and have always loved how they translated the sounds from my Axe FX III, and how the adjustable tweeter worked for the differing guitars that I have; However, I thought there was something missing and couldn't put my finger on what it was. The chain that I use is the Axe into a Matrix GT 1000 FX (2U); directly into the 2 reality cabs. They were connected by a pair of Dean Markley speaker cables. Sounded great, just not fabulous. 2 weeks ago, one of the speaker cables seemed to start to cut in and out so decided to get a new set to connect to the cabs. I purchased a pair of Gator Cableworks Headliner Series, premium 12-gauge speaker cables and the fabulous is now there. I kind of did not believe all the talk about cables until I started purchasing better guitar cables and heard the difference they made. So, I did it with the cab cables and could not be happier. I recommend these cables highly. Hope this helps users of your cabinets. By the way, I would never get rid of or use any other cabinets for the AXE. One of the best purchases I ever made.
