Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

19/04/24 - Reformer 112 - USA

Hi Barefaced Team!

Back in September 2023, I had the pleasure of ordering a Reformer 112
from you. It came equipped with an Alnico Cream speaker, dressed in
green tolex silver grill cloth, and a tan faux leather handle - it's
been terrific!

I'm tempted to get an encore and order another one to pair up with my
current gem. Now, I vaguely remember talk of some updates to the
Reformer 112 design. Could you let me in on the major changes if any,
between my model and the newest one?



Alex says:

Hi Zhen!
Awesome, glad to hear you've been enjoying your cab!
So, your Reformer has a cutout in the AVD to make space for the Alnico speaker, which is something we had to do every time anyone ordered an Alnico.
We've solved this minor annoyance by creating a "universal" AVD panel. So you won't be able to have them 100% matching visually (from the back) but functionally they're the same.
If you were tempted to go for something un-Alnico, we actually have two Reformers with the old standard cutout in your spec (minus the tan faux leather handle, which sadly can't be retro-fitted)
Best regards,