Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

21/04/2019 - Big Baby 2 - USA

"Well, it sounds like the Big Baby 2 will be a huge leap forwards!"

OK, that has to be the understatement of 2019.

I purchased one of these cabs through someone else recently (issues with my card). In a market full of mediocre products and the marketing blitzkrieg of name-brand guitar centre bs, it's damn near impossible to come across a product that you save up and dish out the big $$ for that lives up to one's expectations and then exceeds them. This was the case with all three components of my rig pictured below, none of which I'd heard anything about at all until earlier this year when I spent hours researching online. The Birdsong bass is amazing in that it promises (and delivers) heavy-weight tone in the form of a featherweight instrument. It is truly a wonder to play, and in 99 cases out of 100 i'm sure it would be the key component of any bass rig setup. HOWEVER...I have shown off my new rig to quite a few people (I can't help it really) and without fail, all EVERYONE seems to want to talk about is the big baby 2. "Where did you hear of this brand?", "why is it so light?", "what speakers are they using?", etc etc etc no one and I mean no one can believe their eyes/ears, that includes me. I'm ridiculously short, barely 5'2 and weigh in at 100 odd pounds. I CAN CARRY MY BASS, CABINET, AMP/PEDALS/CABLES FROM MY CAR TO THE VENUE IN ONE TRIP, CABINET IN MY LEFT HAND, WITH NO PROBLEM AT ALL.
I was thinking of putting casters on it until I took it out of the house for the first time and realized that'd be completely useless and unnecessary. The website says to wait a few gigs for the speakers to break in. Well I honestly don't know anything about that, this thing sounded amazing right out of the box, at low volumes AND high volumes, doesn't matter, the tone remains the same: phenomenal. I don't have to push this thing at all to handle playing with a live band. Oh yeah lest we forget this thing also looks killer as well, as proven in the pictures I included in this obnoxiously lengthy email. All three components, bass, amp, and cab, have found a permanent home and I could not be more happy with my decision to acquire them. And no I definitely do not write letters like this about everything I buy, like i said this is truly the ultimate bass cabinet and the true star of my new rig. Thank you guys, you've made my year (and with any luck my career) !!!