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Barefaced Bass - Ultra lightweight high power bass guitar speaker cabinets

28/09/24 - Big Twin 3 - France

Hi Alex

Long time no talk, I hope you’re doing well

I saw an ear blowing concert yesterday evening. I don’t know your musical taste? 

Between jazz and metal, 2 genres I usually hate, but I really loved this show. Virtuoso but never boring, super powerful yet musical, super original.

Tigran Hamasyan - They will be in London November 17, I highly recommend. Get the tickets, you will thank me.

I couldn’t see the stage very well from where I stood, so I get close to it at the end of the show, and, as you probably already guessed, the bassist was playing… a BT3

It was the first time I’ve seen a Barefaced cab in the wild (except for mine of course), I was happy that it was used by such a great musician.

Do you remember selling a Big Twin 3 to Marc Karapetian? 😀 Trust me, he’s making good use of it

